WATCH: Weld to challenge Trump for nomination

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Transcript for Weld to challenge Trump for nomination

President Tom now have a challenger for the Republican nomination it when he twenty the former Republican governor of Massachusetts bill weld. Has now entered the race he says both parties are ignoring the American people with their quote can win at all. Cost battles. The number of weasel cases in the US jumped 20% in the last week ninety cases have been confirmed for a total 555. This year. Outbreaks have been found in twenty states but New York has a majority of the cases most are in the ultra orthodox Jewish community which is fighting vaccinations. The city has now ordered a religious pre school to close a lawsuit from parents claim the city’s help emergency declaration is unjustified.

This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.

{“duration”:”0:20″,”description”:”Former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld is the first Republican to jump in and challenge President Donald Trump for the party’s nomination.”,”mediaType”:”default”,”section”:”ABCNews/Politics”,”id”:”62426245″,”title”:”Weld to challenge Trump for nomination”,”url”:”/Politics/video/weld-challenge-trump-2020-gop-nomination-62426245″}

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