WATCH: Elderly woman dragged by man on scooter

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Transcript for Elderly woman dragged by man on scooter

New video this morning of a violent attempted purse snatching in Manhattan a man on a scooter a scene dragging a woman as she attempted to fight him off. Eyewitness News reporter Derek Waller joins us live from the upper east side with details on this 1 unbelievable. Good morning there. Get Michelle V videos pretty crazy to watch and it’s another reminder that we really old need to be aware of our surroundings. Really at all times of day an elderly woman. Petr purse snatched in now she was dragged down the sidewalk here. At east 64 and first avenue take a another look at that video the police surveillance video shows a man on a moped he’s got a yellow helmet on. And he slowly rolls up to the quarter thanks grabs a woman’s purse before taking off. She got dragged down the sidewalk in the process and was treated for pain to her arm at a hospital. That have been last Saturday may fourth around three in the afternoon but they say yeah. Something similar happen again on Monday may sixth this time midwest a 139 and Adam Clayton helpful Florida a 55 ruled man. He had his keys slapped added his hand this situation. Was a little worse in that so again you saw that man. With the yellow helmets any black and white jacket police are hoping to find this guy before he hurts someone else and I can also say there is a 2500 dollar reward. Via crime stoppers for information leading to arrest and conviction reporting live here on the upper east side under a smaller channel seven Eyewitness News.

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{“duration”:”1:24″,”description”:”The 86-year-old victim also had her purse stolen by the suspect on Manhattan’s Upper East Side.”,”mediaType”:”default”,”section”:”ABCNews/US”,”id”:”63009614″,”title”:”Elderly woman dragged by man on scooter”,”url”:”/US/video/elderly-woman-dragged-man-scooter-63009614″}

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