WATCH: Trump facing protests within his own party

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Transcript for Trump facing protests within his own party

Back home the president facing new protests from his own party over his plan to impose new tariffs on imports from Mexico. Congressional Republicans are now considering action to block the tariffs which would be their most defiant move yet against trump. Mary Bruce in Washington with the latest. Good morning, Mary. Reporter: Good morning, well, many Republicans simply are not happy with the president’s surprise plan to impose new tariffs on Mexico and now they could take action to try and stop him. Potentially voting to block the president and his use of executive power. You are right, it would be a dramatic rebuke from Republicans that could also block billions of dollars in border wall funding but, George, Republicans are concerned that these tariffs could amount to tax increases on American consumers and businesses and could risk the president’s new trade deal and they are demanding more information. They’re now hoping to learn more tomorrow after a major meeting here between Mexican officials and members of the trump administration. Meantime, Mary, Democrats stepping up their actions against trump administration Reporter: Yeah, one week from today the house will vote to hold the attorney general bill Barr and the former white house counsel don mcgahn in contempt of congress for failing to turn over the full underacketed Mueller report. The house oversight committee is moving to hold Barr and the commerce secretary Wilbur Ross in contempt for failing to comply to subpoenas for that decision to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census but this is not likely to end the standoff. Not going away Mary, thanks very much.

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