WATCH: Manhunt for escaped accused murderer enters its third day

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Transcript for Manhunt for escaped accused murderer enters its third day

could off for days. Next, a man hunt for a dangerous fugitive in Tennessee. Authorities revealing details about the man’s deadly escape. Here is ABC’s Victor Oquendo. Reporter: Tonight, fearful residents near this Tennessee penitentiary locking their doors and loading their guns. As the manhunt for escaped accused murderer, Curtis Watson, enters its third day. The shun gun. It’s up ready zblus case. Reporter: Officials now with brutal new details on Watson’s deadly escape. At 7:00 A.M. Wednesday, Watson, who qualified for minimum security, begins his daily lawn-mowing duties. At 8:30, he’s then seen on a facility golf cart at the home of corrections administrator, Debra Johnson, who lived on prison grounds. They say it was there that Watson allegedly sexually assaulted and killed her. Officials finding a cord wrapped around her neck. Watson then taking off on a tractor, getting as much as a two-hour head start before anyone knew he was gone. We have no reason to believe that he’s outside this area because we’ve had no credible sightings. Reporter: Tonight, Watson’s face blastereden billboards across the state. Any information leefding to his arrest now topping $50,000. Tom? Thank you. There are chilling details about the ghaun accused in a

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