WATCH: Man sues Popeyes over chicken sandwich

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Transcript for Man sues Popeyes over chicken sandwich

Eight X and a legal battle over pot pies popular chicken sandwich a Tennessee man is suing the company for running out of sandwiches. I can’t make this up he’s seeking 5000 dollars in damages because he claims he suffered emotional damages and wasted time. He also says his car was damaged after driving back and forth today. Refresh time. Yeah he said as rams were messed up and that is present a lot Gannon. A trial date is now set for January 8 chicken sandwich just come back out soon. What do you still get moving get the steroids while waiting on the trial. They indeed pink jury selection comes down to whether or not you’ve had a clot busting and they went well this Louisiana residents (%expletive) up VI. Are. Yemen Syria when you get a fan wants the shooting that one and out.

This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.

{“duration”:”0:47″,”description”:”The Tennessee man is seeking $5,000, claiming he suffered emotional damage after the company ran out of the popular sandwich.”,”mediaType”:”default”,”section”:”ABCNews/Business”,”id”:”66605234″,”title”:”Man sues Popeyes over chicken sandwich”,”url”:”/Business/video/man-sues-popeyes-chicken-sandwich-66605234″}

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